Here is a history list of what's changed recently in Tru-Traffic (formerly TS/PP-Draft) 10.0: (2024.8.17)
Fix an annoyance in the Intersection Parameters dialog. When the Drive Rule is Left-Hand Side, the layout of the Green Bands page was incorrect (for the side street bands).
In the TT&D report summary text, omit the "unverifiable source" qualifier when, in View: Preferences: Warnings, the box "Trip Logs have an unverifiable source, for example, imported from a text file" is unchecked. (2024.7.27)
Fix an error in the band speeds that could occur in merging new timing plans from a diagram data file with crossing arterial diagrams.
Fix an error that could occur in tapering the through band at an intersection using Split-Lead/Split-Lag phasing. (2024.4.14)
Fix an error that could occur making plots from trip logs with multiple runs (and U-turns between the runs). (2022.12.16)
Fix an error in the offset reference point that could occur upon importing a UTDF file using multiple left-turn phases on some approaches. (2022.11.5)
Fix a bug introduced with ver. where the band could get goofed up now along even coordinated arteries. (2022.10.6)
Support GPS receivers that that don't quite conform to the NMEA 0183 standard. (2022.6.18)
Fix a bug that could occur in File: Merge ... as New Timing Plans at intersections common to two crossing arteries. Whether the Offset Reference Point references the cross-street, and the Approach Type (One-Way or Two-Way), could get garbled. (2022.5.31)
Fix an error where the band could get goofed up along "uncoordinated" arteries, where one or more signals operates at a cycle length too unrelated to the others. (2020.5.9)
Fix an error where a band started from a side-street turning movement could have the wrong default offset. (2019.9.20)
Fix a bug introduced in that could goof up the phase assignment upon importing UTDF files with intersections with five or more approaches. (2019.9.19)
Fix an annoyance that could occur in importing UTDF files with intersections with five or more approaches. (2019.1.25)
Handle gracefully any error that should occur merging a *.Dgm file as new timing plans. (2018.9.6)
Fix an error that could occur inferring the left-turn phase sequence upon importing from UTDF.
Avert an access violation that can occur in Merging UTDF 2006 data (and possibly importing as well).
Fix an annoyance that could occur in importing from UTDF files: The bands for the speed categories Posted Speed Limit, Bus Speed, Light Rail Speed, and Bicycle Speed could be unexpectedly shown by default on the time-space diagram(s).
Fix an error where the green band's apparent cycle length could differ from the cycle length common to all signals along an artery (e.g., when they're all uncoordinated). (2018.7.31)
Fix an error in the Phase and Movement Parameters dialog: after selecting the option to apply checked items only, some of the applicable check boxes remained disabled. (2017.6.16)
Fix an error introduced with version that would prevent the timings report from displaying. (2017.3.14)
Fix an error where shifting the offsets of selected intersections could inadvertently shift offsets of all intersections.
Fix a discrepancy that could occur in the TT&D report: The number of runs reported in the Cumulative Summary could differ between the table header and the column headers (with the column header numbers giving the correct count). (2016.10.13)
Fix an error that could occur in calculating the Cumulative Average Speed (CAS) for the TT&D Report with certain preferences in units of measure for distance.
Fix an annoyance where the Offset Reference Point labels could omit the referenced phase number. (2015.12.22)
Fix a quirk in optimizing phase sequences: if the yellow trap warning is displayed, the bands for all speed categories are temporarily displayed on the diagram. (2015.11.16)
Fix an error in the Speed that could occur upon importing a Trip Log: the software could needlessly replace the instantaneous speed from the file with calculated, differential speed.
Fix an error that could occur in editing the splits when the adjusted cycle length is declared Uncoordinated — Implied. (2015.10.28)
Fix an error that could occur in the phase sequence exported to the older, 5-file, UTDF 2.1 format when using Split-Lead/Split-Lag phasing.
Fix a quirk in the layout of the Network View that could artificially separate non-intersecting arteries beyond what's known from the geographic coordinates of the intersections. (2015.6.22)
Fix an access violation that could occur in working with a trip log imported with no arterial timings diagram created.
Fix an error that could occur in managing an empty trip log – imported from a file with no valid GPS points.
10.0.40. (2015.5.18)
Fix an error that can occur in analyzing a trip log through an artery with a one-way subsection.
Avert an error that could occur closing Tru-Traffic while plots from trip logs are still in view.
At intersections with an uncoordinated, user-specified cycle length, rescale the splits whenever you change that user-specified cycle length. (2015.4.15)
Fix an error that could occur in the offset reference point when exporting to UTDF 2.1 (the older, 5-file format) a file with multiple timing plans.
Fix an error that could occur synchronizing the clocks using the Synchronize Now button at a one-way intersection.
Fix an annoyance that can occur when viewing the Cycle Timer when the date on which you synchronized the clocks and today span a daylight savings time transition. (2015.3.20)
Fix a labeling error that could occur at one-way intersections. The phase number that appears (in parentheses) in the offset reference point labels could be for a phase serving the side-street, in contradiction to the rest of the label. (2015.2.5)
Fix an error in flipping the orientation of a diagram for a one-way artery. After flipping the diagram, the one-way designation applied to the opposite direction.
Avert a problem that could occur if you delete a trip log while it's still logging — that is, if you don't stop the logging before deleting the trip log.
Keep the View:Cycle Timer option enabled even if the signal cycle start time hasn't been explicitly set. Assume a master reference time of midnight by default. (2015.1.6)
Fix a divide-by-zero error that could occur in displaying a platoon-progression diagram. (2014.12.4)
Fix an access violation that could occur in dragging the mouse across the arterial timings diagram.
Fix an error that could occur in displaying on the Network View either the offsets or the offset reference points. If you opt to display one but not the other, in some cases the wrong item could display.
Correct the color coding of labels for a couple of timing plan-dependent parameters in the Optimize Timing Plan Transition dialog. (2014.11.10)
Fix an error that could occur in TT&D report's values for time spent above or below user-specified speeds. An interpolation error added, on average, 0.5 seconds for each downstream node along the artery.
Fix an error that could occur importing a trip log from a .csv file using the factory presets for a QStarz GPS receiver. (2014.10.17)
Fix a divide by zero error that could occur when working with uncoordinated intersections.
In the comparative TT&D report, change the policy for computing the % difference: For the baseline, use the absolute value of the before values, instead of the actual before values, to avoid confusion where the before values are negative (e.g., a negative average Delay). (2014.8.29)
When connected to NMEA GPS devices, tolerate a possible formatting error in the longitude.
When displaying labeled arrows along the approaches in the Network View for large networks, ensure the font size is big enough so that text is legible at least at the maximum zoom level. (2014.8.4)
Fix an error that caused the directional summary and the cumulative summary of the TT&D report to report somewhat different ranges of start times.
Fix a couple of errors that could occur in importing trip logs from PC-Travel data and applying one of the PC-Travel-related file format presets. (2014.6.18)
Fix another error that could occur when modifying the cross-street split, resulting in excessive arterial split.
Fix an error that could occur in analyzing a trip log (e.g., for the TT&D report) that has points recorded intermittently.
For composing formulas for user-defined columns in the TT&D report, make the node ID number accessible as a reference value. This can be useful for creating conditional rules that treat nodes differently depending their ID numbers.
Fix a couple of quirks with the Arterial Outline View where some of the buttons would remain disabled when they should have enabled. (2014.5.14)
Fix an access violation that could occur in the (unlikely) case of an empty arterial diagram.
Fix a couple of errors that could occur when modifying the cross-street split, resulting in excessive arterial split.
Fix an error that could occur upon closing the software while recording a trip log.
Improve the "factory preset" rules for parsing trip logs (in Excel files) exported from PC-Travel.
Clarify the documentation of "Forward Direction" in the User's Manual and the Help file. (2014.4.17)
Fix an error that could occur in the green band along an artery with mixed cycle lengths.
Fix a problem in optimizing a limited group of intersections: In some cases intersections outside of the group could also be affected.
Expand somewhat the Getting Started section of the User's Manual and the help file. (2014.3.21)
Fix a divide-by-zero error that could occur in displaying the cycle length constraints.
Fix an error that could creep into the splits when exporting to UTDF (the newer, "combined" file) when there's more than one timing plan.
Fix an error that could occur in exporting T intersections to UTDF (in either format): the software could create the 4th leg for no good reason.
Avert an oddity where trip logs recorded by Tru-Traffic could get labeled as "imported."
Fix an KML format error that could occur in copying to the clipboard the geographic positions assigned to a specific intersection. (2014.2.5)
Fix an error where everything-linked intersections controlling just one direction of travel could capriciously switch their specified, controlled direction.
Fix an error that prevented local (i.e., phase-specific) overrides without warnings for clearance time violations or yellow trap hazards. (2014.1.17)
Fix an access violation in applying to their respective intersections waypoints downloaded from a Garmin GPS receiver.
Fix an error that could greatly slow the drawing of a time-space diagram.
Fix a quirk that could improperly reject some changes to a phase's clearance times.
Add *.tsv and *.csv to the available file data types importable from an intersection's Geographic Coordinates dialog.
Show the intersection ID number along with its name in the caption of the Intersection Parameters Dialog. (2013.12.5)
Fix an error that could occur in drawing the Platoon Progression Diagram, making it apparently freeze.
Fix a quirk that could, at a one-way intersection, show an exclusive pedestrian phase at the wrong position in the timings bar on the Timings window.
Fix an error in displaying the legend (for speed or stop colors) on the Network View: In some cases, the text could print along an angle. (2013.11.9)
Fix a bug where, when you link "everything" between two intersections and only one of them has geographic coordinates, then the geographic coordinates could get discarded.
Fix a bug that could allow "everything"-linked intersections to disagree on whether the offset references arterial phases or cross-street phases.
Fix a quirk that could effectively hide sections of the trip log trajectory on the arterial timings diagram.
When importing actuated splits from UTDF, if a phase is skipped because it's not actuated, automatically set the options to allow overrides of clearance time and minimum split without warnings for that phase. (2013.10.21)
Fix a quirk in optimizing cycle lengths: when the performance of the various cycle lengths is displayed, the bands for all speed categories are temporarily displayed on the diagram.
Fix an error that could leave part of the Network View Properties dialog uninitialized: What to show along the approaches.
Fix, I hope, an error that could cause the software to freeze upon startup while displaying the splash screen.
For importing trip logs from table files (e.g., tsv, csv, or shapefiles), support time format in the Unix style (seconds since 1/1/1970 12:00am). (2013.9.9)
Fix a error in analyzing a multi-run trip log along an artery. In some (rare) cases, after a U-turn between two runs, the analysis could decide incorrectly that the vehicle skipped the first intersection in reentering the artery.
Fix a divide by zero error that could occur in loading a file with a quirky network layout.
Fix an annoyance in the Outline View where the option to break a selected link could remain disabled for no good reason.
Fix a quirk in the GPS View that could give an error if you entered a signal cycle start time of 12:00:00 AM.
Improve the reliability of creating a network by importing or pasting geographic positions -- ensure that geographic positions that are far apart don't get mistakenly assigned to a single intersection. (2013.7.25)
Fix an error where, in merging UTDF 2.1 files, the layout of the Network View could get mangled.
Fix a quirk in merging UTDF 2.1 files into a file with multiple timing plans. In some cases, the imported volumes could get assigned to all timing plans. (2013.7.3)
In importing trip logs from .csv files, extend the USGlobalSat factory preset to include files from the DG-200 Data Logger.
In importing trip logs from .csv files, extend the GPS Utility and USGlobalSat factory presets to more accurately identify the heading column, if any.
When creating a network by importing or pasting geographic positions, if there are only two nodes, then just connect them automatically and create the arterial diagrams. (2013.4.23)
Fix an indexing error that could in highlighting or (en)disabling trip log points in the Details Table. If you sort the table on a column so the list is not chronological, then the item that you (un)check or select is not necessarily the point that gets altered.
Fix a quirk that could occur after pasting geographic positions into an empty Tru-Traffic window: When clicking the button automatically trace routes, be a bit more leneient in matching cross street names t numbers. (2013.4.10)
Fix an error that could arise in the times when importing trip logs from table files (e.g., *.csv, *.tsv, etc.). If the times are given in the local time zone, and if a daylight savings time switch occurred after the dates recorded in the file and before you do the importing, then the imported times could be off by an hour.
Fix an error that could cause a divide by zero when you make a change to a diagram in the foreground while another diagram sits hidden, and not yet viewed, in the background.
When importing trip logs or geographic locations, show a warning when it appears that the wrong units or format is specified for the geographic coordinates.
When using the cursor keys to change the selection in the Outline View, highlight the node's associated links the same way as selecting by mouse click. (2013.3.20)
Fix a quirk that could delay the effect of (un)checking the View:Hints menu item on some windows already open.
Fix a quirk in the Network View that could hide the color legend when you want it displayed.
If the signal cycle start time hasn't been set, assume a default master reference time of midnight.
Clarify in the help file and user's manual how the specified Band Width affects the width of the displayed band. (2013.2.23)
Fix a bug that could occur upon loading a *.Dgm file. The band action for the newer speed categories (e.g., buses, light rail, bicycles) could get ignored, reverting to the default value set in the user preferences.
Fix a problem that could occur importing long trip logs from GPS Utility files.
Let the file format preset for importing trip logs from GPS Utility files assume the time is UTC, not the local time zone.
Fix a quirk that could occur after pasting geographic positions into an empty Tru-Traffic window: When manually connecting dots to draw routes, in some cases, the next dot could be connected to the wrong end of the route.
Fix an annoyance when manually tracing routes (by clicking dots to connect them) after pasting geographic positions into an empty Tru-Traffic: If the balloon hint popped up for the dot, it would insulate part of the dot from accepting the mouse click. (2013.2.15)
Fix a couple of errors that could creep in when using Flip Diagram Orientation. It seems that a few directional parameters, including the link curvature control points, could end up applying to the wrong direction of travel.
Fix an error that could occur parsing dates & times when importing trip logs from text tables.
Fix a couple of annoyances when pasting geographic positions into Tru-Traffic. If you've checked the box to "Set Names of Unnamed Intersections from Waypoints," then in some cases the Outline View or the Intersection Parameters dialog wouldn't show the new names until you refreshed. (2013.2.5)
Fix an access violation that could occur when importing a UTDF file that's corrupted in certain ways.
Reduce potential crowding in the Network View. When showing labeled arrows along the approaches, use a smaller font if zoomed out such that there would be considerable overlap.
For importing trip logs from QStarz .csv files, include in the preset settings a column assignment for the time fraction (milliseconds) and improve the detection of the other columns.
Add preset settings for importing trip logs from GPS Utility files.
Add option to copy to the clipboard selected rows from the Trip Log Details Table. (2013.1.10)
Fix a bug, new in ver. 10.0, that disabled the options to move or resize the background map in the Network View.
When clicking nodes to manually trace routes (after pasting geographic coordinates for the network into an empty Tru-Traffic), connect each newly added node to the nearest endpoint of the selected route, rather than to just the last endpoint or to the dragged-from endpoint. (2012.12.13)
Fix an error that usually disabled the option to Split Artery into two Diagrams.
Fix an error importing geographic positions (and trip logs) from text table files (e.g., *.csv, *.tsv, etc.) with angles expressed in d:m:s format.
Fix an error, introduced in ver., that could cause the directional summary pages of the TT & D report to show the wrong values in some of the columns.
In importing geographic positions or trip logs from tables, support yet a few more data types that I've recently encountered:
- latitude or longitude (or heading, in trip logs) specified using the format d°m's", and
- separate values for latitude or longitude fraction in minutes and/or seconds of arc.
Add a section to the help file and the user's manual on Creating a Tru-Traffic Network starting from Locations in Google Earth. (2012.12.10)
Fix an error that could occur in calculating the travel distance of a run from a multi-run Trip Log that has coarse resolution (i.e., has more than about 4 seconds between points).
Fix an error that could occur in displaying trip log times when the local time zone has no daylight savings time schedule.
In creating a network from a set of geographic locations (using the connect-the-dots window), assume locations with the same name apply to same intersection when node ID numbers aren't available.
In importing trip logs from tables, support a few more data types that I've now encountered:
- date & time as decimal days elapsed since midnight 12/30-31/1899 (used by Excel and other software),
- a separate value for time fraction in milliseconds, and
- speed in knots (used by some nautical and aviation data loggers). (2012.11.9)
Fix an index out of bounds error that could occur in minimizing the timing plan transition.
Fix another (and rare) error in the offset and the phase sequence that could occur upon importing a diamond exchange from UTDF that has a specific type of phasing.
When importing Trip Logs from tables (e.g., .csv files), add a File Format Preset with the settings to parse data from QStarz QTravel. (2012.10.18)
Fix an error that could occur deleting an intersection while plots from trip logs along that artery are displayed.
Fix an error that could occur in printing an essentially empty arterial diagram.
Fix an error in the offset and, sometimes, the phase sequence that could occur upon importing diamond exchanges from UTDF.
Add option to quietly accept phasing for a specified movement that would normally trigger a warning about a yellow trap hazard. (2012.9.19)
Fix an error that could occur in parsing trip logs from text tables -- some of the points could get skipped because the software thinks, incorrectly, that they're invalid.
When pasting, instead of importing, trip logs or geographic coordinates from text files, let the factory presets set the column delimiter to tab instead of comma.
Fix an oddity where, in some cases, changing the highlighting of trip log points in the Trip Log Details Table wouldn't affect the highlighting in the arterial diagram.
Add options to include a choice of percentiles (e.g., 85th percentiles) in the TT&D report summaries.
Include user-selected percentiles in the cumulative summaries of the TT&D report. (2012.9.6)
Fix an error that prevented you from breaking a link in the Arterial Outline View.
In creating a network from geographic coordinates, if the names of the crossing streets can be distinguished (for example, if they're in a table with two separate columns for the crossing street names), then offer option to automatically trace the likely routes through the geographic locations. (2012.8.31)
Fix an error that could occur in exporting UTDF files, or in merging UTDF 2.1 files, when an intersection has a pseudo-signal with 100% arterial split.
Fix an error that could occur in deleting an intersection.
Add options to accept overrides without warning of minimum split and/or clearance times for specified phases.
In creating a network from scratch, allow opening or pasting from the clipboard a KML or GPX file (in addition to table files that were previously accepted, such as .tsv, csv, or shapefile). (2012.8.6)
Fix a problem that could omit the band widths from the timings report or show instead band widths from the wrong band-speed category (Design Speed, Posted Speed Limit, Bus, Light Rail, or Bicycle).
In the various trip log selection dialogs (for setting, e.g., the speed, offset, or distance), let the user specify which statistic summarizes the selected trip logs: average, minimum, maximum, or various percentiles.
In calculating the directional weighting factors (based on per lane volumes) for optimization, add option to specify which statistic summarizes the selected intersections: average, minimum, maximum, or various percentiles. (2012.7.13)
Fix a floating point error that could occur in merging a *.Dgm file as separate timing plans.
Fix a quirk where the user-specified value for the balloon hint pause could get ignored, and the balloon hints could get displayed too abruptly.
Add option to specify the layering order for the bands in the various speed or green band categories (Design Speed, Posted Speed Limit, Bus, Light Rail, and Bicycle).
Add options for the Speed vs. Distance plots from Trip Logs to display the speeds from the new speed or green band categories (Bus, Light Rail, and Bicycle).
Show a balloon hint on the arterial diagram for the intersection under mouse cursor, displaying name, cycle length, offset and reference point. (2012.7.3)
Fix an error in reading files from ver. 9.0 that could cause the posted speed limit band to be displayed unintentionally.
Fix an error in evaluating user-defined formulas for the TT&D report when there are more than about 200 user-defined formulas.
Add to the popup menus of the the Arterial Diagram or Network View options to hide a Trip Log or show only a Trip Log or to copy it to the clipboard. (2012.6.28)
Fix a bug in the platoon-progression diagram where the queue discharge flow could extend outside the cycles assigned to that direction of travel.
Add options to view the Trip Log Properties, Details Table, or Playback by right-clicking the Trip Log in the Arterial Diagram, Network View, or Plot from Trip Log (e.g., Speed vs. Distance Plot). (2012.6.27)
Initial release.